Monday, August 22, 2011

Nick Thune in Nick and Andy: Coming Soon

Oh, what can I say about this new Funny or Die video… It’s awesome. It’s funny. It’s awesome. Um, yeah. You get it right?

It features my favorite comedian in this whole wide, big is beautiful world, Nick Thune. It’s funny from start to end. Please watch it! You won’t be sorry, you’ll be thankful.

Nick and Andy

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I’m Tired of This

I’m tired of not know what to do,
Of not know how to do it,
Of putting my responsibilities on the shoulders of others,
Of not stepping up and doing it myself,
Of letting opportunities go by,
Of over thinking,
Of telling myself I’ll do it eventually.
I’m so tired, that I think I’ll sleep now.
Everything can wait.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Hey there! Thought I’d let anyone interested know that I’m on spotify! You can click on my link on the right side of the page and follow me.

In case you don’t know what Spotify is, it’s a free (if you want it to be free, you need an invite. To get an invite, just sign up with your email to be on a waiting list. Doesn’t take that long.) music site that lets you have millions of songs and, if you want, get some from all over the world!

Thanks and hope you like!