Saturday, January 1, 2011


 Wow, hello, 2011! You feel so, you feel so… the same. It’s a bit of a “same dog, new color” feeling. That’s a saying right?
 I hope to be more mature, wise, and rational… I’m sorry, I meant the exact opposite of those things. But, while I’m on the subject of change, might as well lay out my New Year’s resolutions right? That’s right, it’s one of a million peoples resolution/betterment of oneself list! Yeah, you’re right, that was a perfect segway.

I honestly want very simple, not too big of a deal changes. I want to at least feel my abs, and get more flexible. It’s ridiculous; I can’t even touch my toes. Something has to change. And as far as my abs go, sure, I’m already thin, and I don’t have to hold my stomach in (too much) to wear a nice shirt, but… I don’t know, I just want to be able to feel my stomach muscles. Is that a crime?!

Also, I want to be able to speak up a little more. I talk a little bit to people, but I’m still a little shy around strangers, and now that I’m 20… well, I kinda think that’s unacceptable. They’re just people right? Well, I guess some are aliens, but that’s beside the point.

I definitely want to go to more concerts of bands I like (of course I’m talking about Carney, and The Brobecks) and I would LOVE to go more comedy shows (of course I’m talking about Nick Thune, but also hopefully Bo Burnham & Daniel Tosh. That’d be awesome).

This year, I want to make a plan and ACTUALLY stick with it! I’m so tired of being that person who says they’re going to do something and then says it again… and again, and again. Do you get it? The “all talk no ability to walk without a cane” person… that’s a saying right?

I want this year to be fun w/ a new, flexible, outgoing, (fingers crossed) taller, me!!!!...

Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ll break all but one of those.

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